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Present at STC
Important Dates and Deadlines


  • 2025 STC Dates: July 22-27, 2025

  • Application Deadline: February 1st, 2025

  • Presenter Notification: March 1st, 2025



Add your voice to the Southwest Trombone Conference by presenting a 50 minute lecture or clinic. Lectures can cover topics such as pedagogical methods, studio building, performance anxiety, and more.

How to Apply


Submit the form below with all required materials including:


Presentation Abstract: A short description of your proposed presentation, including the format, subject, benefit to our attendees, target audience, and any further information you feel is relevant.


Biography: Please provide a short biography of the presenter.


Sample Research: If possible, please provide 2-3 pages of to be presented such as hand-outs/other materials to be used in the presentation.


Personal Statement: Please provide a short summary of why you feel this presentation should be accepted to the Southwest Trombone Conference and how you feel your presentation stands out.


Applications will be reviewed by our Faculty and decisions will be made on or before March 1.


Click HERE to Apply


Please note: If accepted as a presenter, you will receive an Auditing pass the day you present free of charge. Further days you wish to attend the STC as an Auditor will be charged full price. You are responsible for all expenses such as travel, lodging, meals, etc. to attend the STC. 

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